Haya Abraham – CO-Founder, CFO & CMO. Established A.O. Ezra Electronics 2002 Ltd. with Ezra at 1995. Prior to that, Haya worked as a teacher and a lecturer in various high schools and universities. Her teaching subjects were computers, marketing and economics. Haya holds B.A in social sciences from Tel-Aviv University.
Oren Abraham – Sales Manager. Filled various roles in A.O. Ezra Electronics 2002 Ltd. from its establishment. Oren became a sales manager in 2014. In the army (First sergeant. Ret) he served as an RF technician in 8200 (technological unit of the intelligence corps). Oren Also has an experience of 3 years as a board designer. Oren holds B.Sc. in Electrical engineering from Holon's institute of technology.